Everyday Heroes
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Peace in the Middle East
A grandson of India's pacifist independence leader, Mahatma Gandhi, is on a mission in the Palestinian territories to preach unarmed, peaceful struggle in the search for reconciliation with Israel. ... posted on Sep 03 2004, 1,227 reads


Swimming the English Channel
George Brunstad arrived on the French beach of Sangatte just after 0100 BST on Sunday, after 15 hours and 59 minutes in the water. The retired US airline pilot, uncle of Hollywood star Matt Damon, set off from Dover on Saturday morning for the gruelling 21-mile swim and raised $11,000 for children in Haiti. At age 70, he also set the world record for the oldest man to conquer the English Channel... posted on Sep 02 2004, 2,393 reads


When I'm Happy
... posted on Aug 30 2004, 642 reads


An Honest Cabbie
He makes $80 a day as a cab driver in New York. But on July 16, a passenger in Nestor Sulpico's cab left a backpack stuffed with black pearl jewelry worth $70,000! It was his chance to pay off his back rent, go to college and pay his overdue bills. Instead he decided to the "right thing" and returned the pearls to the owner. As it turns out, he regained his Filipino citizenship, the president ... posted on Aug 24 2004, 931 reads


The Important Thing
... posted on Aug 23 2004, 752 reads


Tell A Vision
... posted on Aug 22 2004, 547 reads


Growing small, I disappear
He spent years in exile, stared some of the worst torture of the 20th century in the face and won the nobel prize in literature. His work grappled ceaselessly with the religious and metaphysical paradox of how to live, and maintain one's faith, in a world of mass-scale suffering. Robert Hass, a fellow laureate said of his friend: "He had the idea that he could somehow redeem all the suffering if ... posted on Aug 18 2004, 1,357 reads


The Illuminated Path
... posted on Aug 16 2004, 1,038 reads


No Smoking, For A Parrot
A British couple booked themselves into a clinic to quit smoking after the vet said it was the only way to save their beloved sick parrot. Kevin Barclay and Sharon Wood gave up a 50-cigarette-a-day habit to save their Amazon orange-winged parrot J.J., in Essex, southeastern England.... posted on Aug 14 2004, 923 reads


Four Simple Questions
She was depressed for more than a decade, paranoid and agoraphobic, and for two years didn’t get out of bed. Although she had plenty of money and a beautiful home, she was miserable and eventually moved into a hostel for women with eating disorders — the only place with mental health support that her insurance policy would pay for. Then, one morning, she woke up and it was all gone. "Instead o... posted on Aug 12 2004, 1,199 reads


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It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.
Irish Proverb

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