Everyday Heroes
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Great man
... posted on Sep 26 2004, 589 reads


Friends Until the End
They were neighbors, then became buddies and now they're friends till death do them apart. Walter Jednak, 85, just had a heart attack and his best friend, Howard Hunter, 73, is helping him stay alive. The inspiring story of this uncommon friendship has inspired tons of emails and letters from readers, after it was first published.... posted on Sep 24 2004, 1,294 reads


From Maid to a Bestselling Author
After running away from an abusive marriage, Baby Haldar worked as a maid to support her three children. One of the houses where she would sweep and mop the floor was a professor, who used to give her a book to read. One time, he gave her a notebook and pen. Couple months later, Baby Haldar wrote her life story and today, she's a bestselling author of a Hindi book!... posted on Sep 23 2004, 1,742 reads


Living Life To The Fullest
She may only have one leg, but this 40 year old motorcyclist is living life to the fullest, and riding into history books at the same time.... posted on Sep 21 2004, 1,130 reads


This Is It
... posted on Sep 19 2004, 717 reads


Season of Life
Friends say Jeffrey Marx has always seemed oddly blessed. In 1985 Mr. Marx was 22 and in his first newspaper job, he heard about strange goings-on in the University of Kentucky basketball program; he wrote articles that exposed cash payoffs to players, and won the Pulitzer Prize for it. In 1997 he plunked down $1 for a chance to heave a basketball down toward a basket 69 feet away. Make the shot,... posted on Sep 14 2004, 1,018 reads


Samaritan Six
Meet Samaritan Six. All six were software engineers in India, who raised millions of rupees for the poor. Except that they had hacked into the ledgers of a large corporation and stolen all the money. Unlike Robinhood, the law caught up them and they all went to jail. But their story doesn't stop there. While in prison, they noticed that the inmates were not receiving minimum food rations, pre... posted on Sep 11 2004, 1,277 reads


Power of Now
For two years, a small man sits quietly on a park bench. People walk by, lost in their thoughts. One day someone asks him a question. In the weeks that follow there are more people and more questions. Word spreads that the man is a "mystic," and has discovered something that brings peace and meaning into our lives. Today, more than 20 years after his first question on the park bench, Eckhart Tolle... posted on Sep 08 2004, 1,197 reads


Love Everything
... posted on Sep 06 2004, 1,138 reads


We're On!
... posted on Sep 05 2004, 1,092 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Our heart, when it breaks open, can hold the whole universe.
Joanna Macy

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