Everyday Heroes
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Young Heroes of 2004
Gina invented a road-paving material from recycled plastic bottles. Ellie ran a web site with copyright-free literature for people learning English as a second language. Kevin placed detectors on school vending machines to regulate their electrical usage. Twelve year old Renee started a battery recycling initiative in her elementary school. Laurel founded an after-school program for disadvanta... posted on Oct 29 2004, 1,116 reads


A Stolen Suitcase
If something is stolen, it generally doesn't come back to you ... unless you are U2's lead singer, Bono. Last week, a woman returned a bag full of his memoirs, stolen 23 years ago! It included original lyrics to U2's second album. Deeply moved, Bono -- also a Nobel Peace Prize nominee in 2003 -- called it an "act of grace".... posted on Oct 27 2004, 1,033 reads


Path With Heart
... posted on Oct 18 2004, 614 reads


Tears and Cheers at Cochrane High
It was a sight that brought tears to the eyes of many of the hundreds that lined the street outside Cochrane High School Sept. 16. The word spread like wildfire through the school during lunchtime. Cochrane High’s 800 students had just completed a 4-km Terry Fox walk and run around the school and had already gone back inside when it became apparent the mini-marathon wasn’t done yet. Fifteen-... posted on Oct 16 2004, 1,074 reads


The Surfing Rabbi
Just steps from the sand, Orthodox Rabbi Nachum Shifren parks his beat-up blue 1983 Volvo station wagon with the surf racks and bumper sticker that reads, "Forgive Me Rabbi, For I Have Surfed." Shifren, 53, wears the long, unshorn beard of Hasidic Jews and traditional Orthodox garb with those Ocean Pacific flip-flops on his feet! "You can't be too square. You've got to be a little hip," he remin... posted on Oct 12 2004, 1,247 reads


Land of Thousand Hills
In 1949, when Rosamond Carr first arrived in Africa, she had no idea that she would spend the rest of her life there. Back then, she was just a young fashion illustrator from New York City, who packed four cotton dresses and a lifetime supply of cold cream to accompany her husband on a trip to Congo. As she journeyed to find herself, Rosamond experienced everything from near-bankruptcy to tribal... posted on Oct 08 2004, 1,152 reads


Four Year Old Artist
She is the hottest abstract artist in New York. After a feature in the local paper, 2000 people showed up for her opening night, everyone from serious collectors to the artist's preschool teacher. Using brushes, spatulas, her fingers and even ketchup bottles, she is creating canvases of six by six foot and earning more money than she could comprehend! Meet Marla Olmstead, age 4.... posted on Oct 06 2004, 1,786 reads


Hundred Million From A Dropout
Sidney Frank dropped out of Brown University decades ago because he couldn't pay the tuition. After years of running a successful business, he has given the Ivy League college $100 million, its biggest gift ever, to help other underprivileged students.... posted on Oct 05 2004, 923 reads


Greater Aliveness
... posted on Oct 04 2004, 664 reads


The Soup Peddler
They call him the Soup Peddler. He's a riches-to-rags guy who quit his computer programming job to make homemade soup and deliver it by bicycle to his neighbors. Every week, David Ansel makes several hundred quarts of soup, by hand, from fresh ingredients every week. Then he loads the containers onto his custom bicycle trailer and pedals around his Texas neighborhood to deliver them!... posted on Sep 28 2004, 1,199 reads


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Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

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