Everyday Heroes
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Jack La Lanne, Fit for Life
He's in the gym at 5am and works out for two hours, seven days a week, even if he only gets one or two hours of sleep. He hasn't had a sugary dessert or missed a daily workout since 1930. Jack La Lanne, a pioneer of modern fitness is turning 90 and still aspires to swim the 22 hour distance from Catalina Island to Los Angeles, underwater. ... posted on Dec 09 2004, 1,873 reads


The Power of Women
The new issue of Yogi Times is "a tribute to the power of female energy, to the amazing grace that emanates from every mother, every girl, every wife, every woman. Through their faith, their softness, their strength, their creativity and their dedication, women can change the world one person at the time."... posted on Dec 08 2004, 1,259 reads


Running Back To Ayurveda
At age 27, one of NFL's premier running backs, shocked the sports world by announcing his retirement. In place of his annual $5 million paychecks, Ricky Williams went tenting around the world for $7/day. And instead of returning to football, the 1998 Heisman trophy winner is back in school to learn about a 6000 year old science of healing -- Ayurveda! "I realized a while back that I have an inn... posted on Nov 30 2004, 1,219 reads


A Thanksgiving Quilt
What are you thankful for? Every Thanksgiving, that's the question Pete McGinn asks of his 3000 United Health Services employees. And then he weaves the best responses together as a "thanksgiving quilt". Read Pete's quilt for this year.... posted on Nov 26 2004, 1,603 reads


Janitor's Endowment
When Genesio Morlacci left $2.3 million to a small college, many people were astonished at the wealth amassed by a man who operated a dry-cleaning shop and later worked as a part-time janitor in retirement. Morlacci died last month at age 102 and left the University of Great Falls with an endowment that will generate roughly $100,000 a year in student scholarships.... posted on Nov 24 2004, 2,519 reads


In a New York Minute
All it takes is a New York minute. A business exec taking time out to give bi-lingual train directions to a woman in need; a bureaucrat and tattoo parlor owner sharing a light moment in the elevator; a man discovering his stolen bike and then loaning it to the rider for the day; an ex-pat New Yorker living in Hawaii discovering a most unlikely connection between homes old and new. In the fast pace... posted on Nov 19 2004, 1,448 reads


Bus 174
Sometime on the afternoon of June 12, 2000, Rio de Janeiro Bus 174 and its passengers were taken hostage by an unknown young man. Brandishing a gun, the man, dubbed "Sergio" by the police, held on to the bus for four and half traumatic hours. The police, in a series of epic mishandlings, allowed the media to get up close to the bus. Soon after he noticed the camera crews, "Sergio" uncovered his fa... posted on Nov 18 2004, 1,289 reads


Thai Flavors
They call him "Pak". In Iowa City, he runs an unusual Thai restaurant that has got the pollsters of DC, editors at NY Times, and the community in Iowa, all knocking on his doors. Many people will go to 'Thai Flavors' for its great food, many will go there to answer his polls -- ranging from controversial political and religious questions to "Do you believe in love at first?" and "Do you like to ... posted on Nov 16 2004, 1,264 reads


Windsurfing For Sustainability
They're 23 years old, windsurfers, and expert sailors. To inspire young kids to do sustainable development, Diogo Guerreiro and Flávio Jardim embarked on 6,500 Km trip across the coast of Brazil. And they travel light -- a windsurf board and a small bagpack. "We go into the class and tell children about how we are living. That we are just using the wind as an energy source," explained Diogo Gu... posted on Nov 09 2004, 1,151 reads


Sydney Peace Prize
"I hate Miss Mitten." At 5, that was her first coherent sentence she ever put on paper. Today, Arundhati Roy is a celebrated author whose books have sold millions worldwide, winner of many awards including the Booker, and a human rights activist. Yesterday, she won the Sydney Peace Prize and she is donating all of her $50,000 prize to three Aboriginal community organizations in Australia!... posted on Nov 04 2004, 1,209 reads


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If we surrendered to earth's intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.
Rainer Maria Rilke

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