Everyday Heroes
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Fearless Heroes
"Caraggio!" Courage! To a woman trapped in a Hitler's torture camp, "caraggio" brought hope and strength in the face of certain death.

It is a great person who can make that word into a mantra to survive. And after the miracle of being rescued; it is an even greater person who keeps going back, in order to save another tortured soul. Ginetta Sagan has celebrated 45 years liberating... posted on Mar 06 2006, 1,376 reads


More Than Just Sports
Eugene Anderson was a player on the University of Arizona 2001 Final Four Basketball team. The next sentence is one you've never read before in any column, story or encyclopedia article about any player who ever made it to college basketball's Final Four. The big man postponed his senior season to earn his bachelor's degree while teaching kindergarten. They taught him to follow his passion in lif... posted on Mar 03 2006, 1,622 reads


An Olympic Hero
"I have always felt if I ever do something big like this I want to be able to give something back. I love what I do; it's great fun, but honestly, it's a pretty ridiculous thing, I skate around in tights. If you keep it in perspective, I've trained my whole life for this but it's not that big a deal. "But because I skated well I have a few seconds of microphone time. So I can either gush how wond... posted on Feb 19 2006, 2,251 reads


Wings of Hope
Airline pilot Marius den Dulk travels the world over, staying in luxurious hotels and enjoying exotic excursions along the way. But just as often he has been confronted with widespread human misery: begging, sick people and neglected children. Feeling increasingly frustrated by his inability to do anything about the situation, he founded Wings of Support, a non-profit foundation that relies on ai... posted on Feb 17 2006, 1,447 reads


Ordinary Actions
Residents and small business owners in San Francisco and the rest of California must take their computers, cell phones, radios and fluorescent bulbs to disposal centers or could face potential fines for tossing them into the trash can.... posted on Feb 12 2006, 1,307 reads


Unreasonable Woman
Diane Wilson, a fourth-generation shrimper, began fishing the bays off the Gulf Coast of Texas at the age of eight. By 24 she was a boat captain. In 1989, while running her brother's fish house at the docks and mending nets, she read a newspaper article that listed her home of Calhoun County as the number one toxic polluter in the country. She set up a meeting in the town hall to discuss what the ... posted on Jan 30 2006, 2,789 reads


The Gift
After witnessing a friend survive Lupus thanks to a generous marrow donor, Brooks Dame became inspired to " help someone out with a small little miracle of their own” and signed up to be a bone marrow donor, a painful and dangerous procedure. A year later Brooks received a call that a match was found; a 30 year old man with a wife and kids was desperately fighting Leukemia. Nervous, but buoyed ... posted on Jan 28 2006, 1,354 reads


Call of Duty
Yonatan Shapira, an Israeli Black Hawk helicopter pilot who in September 2003 made public a “pilots’ letter of refusal” which he authored and 26 other pilots signed. “We refuse to take part in attacks by the Air Force on civilian populations, and we refuse to harm innocent civilians. These acts are illegal and immoral, and the direct result of the ongoing occupation, which corrupts Israeli... posted on Jan 27 2006, 1,180 reads


Do The Right Thing
During a reconnaissance mission on March 16, 1968, Army helicopter pilot Hugh Thompson came upon U.S. ground troops killing Vietnamese civilians in the village of My Lai. Landing in the line of fire between the American troops and civilians, Thompson ordered his crew to point their guns at the U.S. soldiers to prevent more killings and so he could coax civilians out of a bunker to evacuate them. ... posted on Jan 23 2006, 1,387 reads


Christmas in Iraq
While Farris Hassan's (16) seemingly reckless & foolish stunt scared him and his parents, the media has been captivated by the depth of his heart. The Florida teenager traveled to Iraq without telling his parents so that he could "experience during my Christmas the same hardships ordinary Iraqis experience everyday, so that I may better empathize with their distress." In an essay written before hi... posted on Jan 04 2006, 1,547 reads


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Quote Bulletin

No, it won't all go the way it should. But I know the heart of life is good.
John Mayer

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