Everyday Heroes
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Do The Right Thing
A year ago management consultant Rick Mickle bought a lottery ticket. While jotting down all of the things he would do with the winnings, from spending more time with family and friends to making a real difference in the world, Mickle began to take stock of his life. He was earning a lot of money but was giving very little of himself. And he was the one who was poorer for it. "I won the lottery th... posted on Jul 30 2007, 2,606 reads


Bubble Wrap & An Inventive Teen
Grayson Rosenberger's mother lost both her legs in an auto accident when she was a teenager. Both his parents now work with prosthetic patients in Africa. The 15-year-old from Nashville found a way to join their effort when he was recognized as the grand prize winner in a Bubble Wrap Competition for Young Inventors. Rosenberger was able to turn a basic artificial leg into a more realistic one usin... posted on Jul 28 2007, 1,618 reads


Triple Amputee Earns Medical Degree
Kellie Lim knows all too well what it is like to be a very sick child. Struck with a ravaging bacterial infection that destroys limbs, she became a triple amputee at age 8 and soon faced a life of prosthetics, wheelchairs and often-painful rehabilitation. But from that suffering, Lim forged a life of achievement. A graduate from UCLA's medical school she is set to begin a residency program at the ... posted on Jul 24 2007, 2,656 reads


The Work Of Half The Sky
Like thousands of parents who adopt children from China every year Jenny Bowen left the country haunted -- thinking about all the young girls left behind in the overcrowded orphanages. With help from like-minded adoptive parents, Bowen formed Half the Sky Foundation. Named after the Chinese adage, "Women hold up half the sky," the Berkeley- based group of volunteers now numbers in the thousands na... posted on Jul 22 2007, 1,672 reads


$10,000 Tip At Pizza Hut
It was just a typical day on the job at Pizza Hut for 20-year-old Jessica Osborne when out of the blue, the waitress received a gift that would change her life: a $10,000 tip. Always ready with a smile for her customers, Jessica had been forced to withdraw from college because of a lack of financial aid. She told Becky, one of her regular customers about the textbooks she had bought and kept in th... posted on Jul 14 2007, 2,872 reads


A Plane Called Inspiration
Barrington Irving kept his fans in suspense as he circled the skies in a plane dubbed "Inspiration". After a journey that lasted more than three months, the 23-year-old landed his single-engine plane, built from $300,000 worth of donated parts, to a hero's welcome. Hundreds gathered at the airport hangar to welcome Irving and celebrate his record feat as the youngest pilot and the first person of ... posted on Jul 04 2007, 1,727 reads


Teenage Hero of Dhaka's Slums
By age 18, Doly Akter's work in the slums of Bangladesh to help improve health and education has been widely praised, even earning her the chance to speak at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Although born in an area with problems in health and education, Doly's mother saved hard and sent her daughter to school. Doly, in turn, starting serving the neighborhood. Two years ago, she an... posted on Jun 29 2007, 3,153 reads


Homeless Shelter Gets Extreme Makeover
When a friend asked her to help women battling homelessness and abuse, Terry Grahl made a visit to their shelter. "It was as if the room was screaming out, 'Save me!' I knew I had found my calling -- a passion and purpose which, I was sure would lead to the transformation of, not just a room, but the lives of many women." Grahl, an interior designer who owns Terry's Enchanted Cottage in Taylor, b... posted on Jun 28 2007, 2,962 reads


The Four Fingered Pianist
Born with only four fingers (two digits on each hand) and no legs beneath her knees, 20 year old Hee-ah Lee is an inspiration to all who know her. Although she began playing the piano at age 7 for therapeutical purposes, today she is a renowned concert pianist. Hannah's mother always saw her daughter as perfect just the way she was, and has been the driving force behind her amazing career. Today,... posted on Jun 22 2007, 4,644 reads


Three Men Sailing Against All Odds
An unusual sailing crew is gearing up to compete in the North Sea Yacht Race on 1 July. All three men have lost limbs -- and only have three hands and three feet between them. The race, which takes two to three days, is one of the longest and perhaps most challenging ocean races in Northern Europe, starting in the Norwegian port of Stavanger and finishing in Macduff, Scotland. This audio slideshow... posted on Jun 18 2007, 2,145 reads


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To listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear.
Mark Nepo

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