Everyday Heroes
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Hockey Hero With A Big Heart
"Our son is my newest "Hockey Hero." He plays goalie on his small hometown ice hockey team. One weekend on matchday, we arrived a bit late and quickly found our seats and settled in. As I looked around, I noticed we were sitting with a family who had a mentally and physically handicapped child. We could hear the exciement in his voice when he said, "Mom, look the goalie is going to get the puck... posted on Sep 18 2008, 3,346 reads


The Boy Who Loved Trains
Twelve-year-old John Thomas Robertson has always had an affinity for trains. "I've been into trains probably from the day I was born," said John, who's nicknamed JT. "When I was very little my grandpa got me a train set. I would just watch it go round for hours and hours." When he realized that some of his friends couldn't afford train tickets, JT saved money from bottles and cans he collected ove... posted on Sep 17 2008, 3,129 reads


What Is Your Tree?
In this short video, Julia Butterfly Hill, famous for living in an ancient Redwood tree for two years to prevent its being cut down, asks: "What is your tree?" What in your life calls for you to be bigger than you thought possible?... posted on Sep 08 2008, 3,450 reads


What If You Had 37 Days ...
"In October of 2003, my stepfather was diagnosed with lung cancer. He died 37 days later.During that 37 days, I helped my mother care for him at home, since he wanted to die there. Never having been around someone dying before, I didn't know what to do. The timeframe of 37 days made an impression on me. We act as if we have all the time in the world -- that's not a new understanding. But the defin... posted on Sep 01 2008, 5,806 reads


Life Lessons Playing Chess
A former state trooper, Orrin Hudson got tired of putting bandaids on bad behavior. So he founded a program called BeSomeone, which uses the game of chess to teach kids this basic lesson: that every move has a consequence.... posted on Aug 28 2008, 3,672 reads


21 Ways To Celebrate Life
After Nancy Rothstein's son, Josh, passed away unexpectedly, she was seeking a way to offer a tribute for family and friends to honor his birthday. With each passing birthday, she adds one more item to the list. Last April 16 would've been Josh's 21st birthday, and true to her tradition, Nancy shared these 21 ways to celebrate life. ... posted on Aug 25 2008, 7,417 reads


Vision Without Eyes: Caroline Casey
She's legally blind and can't see beyond one meter. But Caroline Casey managed to achieve, at age 34, the three dreams she held as a teenager: to become an elephant handler, to work for herself, and to drive a race car at 185 km/h. As Caroline puts it, "You don't need eyes to have a vision!" She went on to start the Aisling Foundation, which looks deeply at disability, its attendant loneliness and... posted on Aug 21 2008, 2,388 reads


Measuring Success With A Smile
"While traveling for my documentary project,"Hear Us", I pulled up to a busy Phoenix intersection and stopped at a red light. An obviously homeless man began crossing in front of our paused vehicles. I was first in line and was completely preoccupied with the reality that I couldn't find my 1:00 appointment at the nearby (or so I thought) shelter. He turned toward me, pointing to the corners of hi... posted on Aug 08 2008, 3,957 reads


Little Boy, Big Mountain
Although no one said it out loud, it was clear the first day that 7-year-old Keats Boyd would probably not make it to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. At just four feet tall, the kid could barely conquer a fallen log. There was just no way he was going to make it all the way up Africa's tallest mountain. That was obvious to everyone ... except for Keats. The boy doesn't come from a mountain-climbing... posted on Aug 02 2008, 3,350 reads


Hannah's Socks
If you think one person can't make a difference, you'll be inspired by the story of six-year old Hannah Turner. After a visit to the Cherry Street Mission to serve food with her family one Thanksgiving day, Hannah was concerned about a man she saw who had no socks. Within two years time, Hannah's Socks became a full-fledged charity organization, distributing 1400 pairs of socks in Ohio, with plans... posted on Aug 01 2008, 3,366 reads


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Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower.
Shigenori Kameoka

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