Everyday Heroes
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My House to the White House
At age 11, Zach Bonner has already walked farther and done more for charity than many grown-ups. Now he's about to make good on his vow to walk more than 1,200 miles from Tampa to Washington to bring attention to the plight of homeless kids in the United States. The boy with the spiky red hair came up with the idea in 2007, then hiked nearly 300 miles from his home near Tampa to the state capital,... posted on May 17 2009, 3,326 reads


A Taxi Driver Turns it Around
"A couple weeks ago I was standing out on a cold evening in New York City waiting for a cab to come take me to a nightclub. After about 5 minutes of waiting, I was picked up by a gentleman in his 30's, and he was clearly angry. Swear words left and right about how horrible New Yorkers were. I knew my cab ride would only be about 10 minutes and there was a part of me that wanted to be silent and... posted on May 13 2009, 7,671 reads


The Gift of A Lifetime in the Mail
Marc Alexander promises his "angels" that he will pay it forward. Alexander, a 23-year-old senior at Kettering University, wanted to finish school and then work full time as president and CEO of the non-profit Youth of Tomorrow, which helps gear at-risk young people toward careers through hands-on experiences. The current credit crisis hindered that goal when Mr. Alexander was rejected seven time... posted on May 12 2009, 6,071 reads


An Honest Taxi Driver's Bemusement
Santiago Gori, a taxi driver in the coastal city of La Plata, found the money after driving an elderly couple. They only went a short distance but when he dropped them off, they left a bag in the back of his taxi. A few days later he managed to locate his passengers again and he returned the bag. For Argentines used to corruption at all levels of society, this was an extraordinary story. Two young... posted on May 09 2009, 2,875 reads


Wake Up Economics
Last September, Anna Rowinski took a boldly visible sign that read "Just for today don't be afraid" to Park Square. "I got this idea and it wouldn't let me go -- to sit on the circle with this sign. It was my way of being proactive, of not just laying down," she said. "It made me realize how dry we are, how much we are looking for permission to connect" to one another, she said. When talking to he... posted on May 08 2009, 3,379 reads


The Man Who Dined with His Mugger
In this inspiring audio clip, Julio Diaz tells the story of how he offered his coat to the man who stole his wallet, and of how the two ended up having dinner and a life-changing conversation together. Diaz's unassuming manner and steadfast compassion shine through his words making this a story hard to forget.... posted on May 03 2009, 23,227 reads


Student Buys Orphanage
Amy Lambert, 24, spent eight weeks last summer caring for the 150 boys and girls, who were crammed six to a single bed. All the children -- who had lost parents to Aids -- were starving and dehydrated, with most wracked with malaria. So when Amy, an undergraduate at Bath Spa University, returned to Britain she organized a series of charity events -- raising 30,000 pounds in seven months. She then ... posted on Apr 29 2009, 4,845 reads


Banker to the Poor Now In NY
Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, known as the "banker to the poor" for making small loans in impoverished countries, is now doing business in the center of capitalism -- New York City. In the past year the first U.S. branch of his Grameen Bank has lent $1.5 million, ranging from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, to nearly 600 women with small business plans in the city's bor... posted on Apr 26 2009, 2,894 reads


Vimala Cooks. Everybody Eats.
Vimala Rajendran's personal story shines with resilience and inspiration. It is the story of someone who refused to be a victim and who chose to give back. For 12 years, Vimala has blended her love of cooking with a commitment to community to create weekly dinners in her Chapel Hill home. These dinners have grown to feed up to 100 people weekly. Men in collared shirts, women with dreadlocks, stude... posted on Apr 24 2009, 3,699 reads


The Best Weekend Ever
On the eve of April Fools' Day, a 29-year-old Pittsburgh man posted an ad on Craigslist Chicago offering "help with something this weekend" to any Chicagoans in need of an extra pair of hands for tasks small or large. His only request to those asking for help was that they "pay it forward" by doing a good deed to someone else. That next weekend, he drove nearly 1,200 miles to Chicago and back, del... posted on Apr 20 2009, 4,422 reads


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Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.
Theodore Roethke

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