Everyday Heroes
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Beauty in Scraps of Metal
Five years after Hurricane Katrina, the sun continues to rise over evacuated homes and empty lots. New Orleans is still cleaning up debris. Yet one local artisan is building up beauty out of the destruction. Stefano Velaska is a survivor of both Katrina and the 1968 invasion of his native Czechoslovakia. At 18, he fled his country and ended up in Louisiana, where he discovered a passion for jewelr... posted on Aug 29 2010, 2,083 reads


Bridges to Cross: Interview with Michael Grbich
As I was nearing my 75th birthday I was wondering, what can I do to celebrate this? I heard about this woman who tap-danced across a bridge, and I thought, this is what I'll do! So I pursued getting a permit. That was a very complicated process. You wouldn't think you'd have to have a permit to dance across the Golden Gate Bridge. There was a lot of bureaucracy involved, an insurance policy, a per... posted on Aug 25 2010, 3,644 reads


The Power of Trust
Many of us have conflicted responses when we are approached by a homeless person asking for change. Sometimes, we feel compelled to give. Other times, we are skeptical, or in a hurry. But for one woman in New York City, the power of trust in a fellow human being trumps all uncertainty. When recently approached by homeless Jay Valentine outside a restaurant one evening, Merrie Harris found herself ... posted on Aug 23 2010, 3,785 reads


11-Year-Old Feeds Thousands
It all began in third grade, when Katie Stagliano didn't know what to do with her 40-pound cabbage. She ended up taking it to a local soup kitchen, where her first encounter with homelessness inspired her current journey. Now, in sixth grade, Katie's six gardens have produced over 4,000 pounds of vegetables to feed the needy. "It makes you feel so good to see someone that young with that amount of... posted on Aug 22 2010, 4,142 reads


Box of Chocolates Marathon
For a serious distance runner, 7 hours, 48 minutes is not a great marathon time. But for Brian Fugere, it's a miracle. He'd been diagnosed with synovial sarcoma -- a rare soft-tissue cancer -- in his lung. Yet during his fourth cycle of chemotherapy, he still managed to drag an IV pole for all 26.2 miles. Oh, and this marathon took place in a hospital hallway. Inspired by Lance Armstrong's book th... posted on Aug 18 2010, 3,364 reads


The Little Red Wagon
"Some boys like to play baseball, some boys like to play football. He likes to do charity work," explains Zach Bonner's mom, chuckling. In 2004, six-year-old Zach went door to door with his little red wagon to collect water for the victims of Hurricane Charlie. Inspired by helping others, he started his own charity, aptly named, The Little Red Wagon Foundation. Since then, Bonner has raised thousa... posted on Aug 14 2010, 2,338 reads


Secret Agent of Kindness
For the past year, Laura Miller has been living a double life of sorts: administrative assistant by day, secret agent of kindness by night. The 32-year-old only recently revealed herself as the woman behind "Secret Agent L," a giver of random acts of kindness that has been brightening the days of unsuspecting Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania residents since July 2009. What started with a friend's request ... posted on Aug 10 2010, 5,750 reads


The Blazeman: An Ironman
Completing in an ironman triathlon is no small feat - a 2.4 mile swim followed by a 112 mile bike ride followed by a marathon (26.2 mile run)! Jon Blaise recently completed all of this while having a debilitating disease called ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), which attacks the motor neurons, or nerve cells, in the brain and spinal cord. "I think when I'm sitting in a wheelchair, down the road... posted on Aug 04 2010, 3,101 reads


Story of a Ballerina
"She lived in the shanties, the poverty-stricken shanties, but she had a desire far beyond the reach of her environment." Sibahle Tshibika, a ballet dancer from a poor township outside Cape Town, South Africa, is training with a United States ballet company--all because of a documentary, and an email from a caring viewer. "Ghetto Ballet" chronicles four dancers, including Tshibika, as they auditio... posted on Aug 01 2010, 3,218 reads


Thinking Outside the Human Mind
Dr. Temple Grandin is one of the most fascinating and respected figures in the world today. As a child whose parents almost sent her to a mental institution, Grandin became the first autistic individual to publish an autobiography. She has utterly transformed how we view people with autism and how we treat animals, specifically in the cattle industry. She explains to us what it is like for her to ... posted on Jul 28 2010, 6,382 reads


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The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.
Author Unknown

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