Everyday Heroes
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A Father's Instinct Breathes Life
As he knelt on the bedroom floor, on the phone with 911, something had gone wrong. When your wife is pregnant, no one tells you, "By the way, she might skip labor, suddenly fall to the floor, and give birth. Oh, and the umbilical cord might be tangled around the baby's neck five times." But that's what happened to Josh Levs. In less than 15 minutes, with only instinct and the 911 operator to guide... posted on Feb 23 2011, 4,006 reads


Quadruple Amputee Swims Across English Channel
Philippe Croizon lived a rather normal life with his family until a severe electric shock accident led to the amputation of all four of his limbs. Undeterred by his handicap, Philippe decided to swim the English Channel and eventually went on to become the first quadruple amputee to achieve the feat. Watch how Philippe prepared himself for this remarkable challenge!... posted on Feb 21 2011, 3,749 reads


Change Your Life with a Thank-You Note
It all started three years ago. John Kralik's life was really going down the tubes, personally and professionally, when one day, while walking, he heard an inner voice telling him to start writing thank you notes. So he sent a note of appreciation to his daughter's piano teacher. And then to the woman who cuts his hair. And the barista at the coffee shop, just for trying to remember his name. By t... posted on Feb 19 2011, 12,163 reads


Baby Reunited with Doctor Who Saved Her
In her thoughts and prayers over the past year, Nadine Devilme has thanked God countless times for saving her baby after Haiti's earthquake. She's also wanted to thank the doctor who treated Jenny Alexis after the 2-month-old spent four days alone, crushed in the rubble with nothing to drink. There was one problem: Devilme never knew the doctor's name, never knew exactly whom to thank for treating... posted on Feb 10 2011, 3,939 reads


Runner Crawls to a Finish For Her Coach
Jim Tracy, a cross-country coach at San Francisco's University High School, was recently diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease and now walks with difficulty using braces on his legs and his back. But that doesn't stop him from coaching. And inspiring. At the state meet this year, star runner Holland Reynolds collapsed near the finish line. Despite all odds, she finished the race, crawling on hand a... posted on Feb 06 2011, 2,127 reads


His Life's Calling is To Die Well
Jim Stanicki is at a party, where he's having a great time with his family and friends. But when it's time to go, he says he has to go, and his intention is to go well. Stanicki says it is his life that is the party. After being diagnosed with bronchoalveolar cancer almost four years ago, he has shared the highs and lows of his journey with friends online through Inspire.com, a health and wellness... posted on Feb 02 2011, 3,581 reads


The Man Who Doesn't Ask for Money
During a two-week period of "self-chosen exile", Vinod Sreedhar made a radical commitment to himself: no more price tags on his work. Everything would be offered as a gift, and he would accept whatever came back his way. After the initial "noble high" of this major life decision subsided, questions rushed in. How will I make a living now? Am I setting myself up to be taken advantage of? After near... posted on Jan 31 2011, 7,018 reads


An Academic Sparks Giving to Charity
Toby Orb is a researcher at Oxford University who lives off little more than 300 pounds a month. Yet he's inspiring a movement of charity-giving that's even more impressive than Zuckerberg, Gates, and Buffett. In the past year, Ord has given more than a third of his earnings to charities working in the poorest countries. Why? For Ord, the question is: why not? "If you only have a certain amount of... posted on Jan 25 2011, 4,126 reads


Pilot Holds Plane for a Dying Child
Time was running out, and Mark Dickinson wasn't sure whether he'd get to see his dying 2-year-old grandson one last time. A long line in security had kept him from getting to his gate on time. In a desperate last attempt, Dickinson's wife called the airline to ask them to hold the plane for him. That's when the pilot stepped up and held the flight at the gate until Dickinson arrived, running in so... posted on Jan 22 2011, 9,823 reads


Kitchen Teachings: An Interview with Cherri Farrell
Cherri Farrell teaches Consumer and Family Science, a subject that used to be called Home Economics. Talking with Farrell, it's as if a window opens into the hidden worlds that exist in between the requirements of standard curricula, and to how important these hidden realms really are. These insights come out in her stories, "One time I had a child from Afghanistan whose parents were killed. He ca... posted on Jan 20 2011, 2,010 reads


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Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.
B.K.S. Iyengar

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