Everyday Heroes
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Food Abundance from Food Waste
Every week they provide food for as many as 1,500 households in Marin County (CA). They don't charge for the food. Nor do they get paid themselves. Who are these people and why do they do this? They are two community elders, Ruth Schwartz and her husband Curt Kinkead, supported by a team of about 100 volunteers. They do it because Curt "gets fed by the joy he sees in the people who come to collect... posted on Sep 21 2011, 10,089 reads


The Man Who Builds Bridges & Saves Lives
More than 13 years after his parents drowned in a flash flood, David Kakuko is at the Moruny River, building a bridge that might have prevented their deaths. The hanging footbridge will provide safe passage over the Moruny, a frequently flooded waterway in West Pokot, Kenya. "Before the bridge, there [were] so many people, so many who lost their lives," said Kakuko, 32. "I know, because I have no ... posted on Sep 16 2011, 3,164 reads


Feeding the World From A Garden Shed
The corrugated tin hut crouching in the undergrowth, dwarfed by dripping firs, looks like a wartime relic nobody could be bothered to clear away ... a sign reading "Mary's Meals" has been stuck above the doorway. To Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, his father's shed in Dalmally, Argyll, has acquired a talismanic significance. It's where he stockpiled food and clothes for Bosnian refugees in the 1990s -- ... posted on Sep 13 2011, 3,643 reads


A Storyteller of the Streets
Most people have never walked down the street and looked for homeless people before -- most look the other way. But not Mark Horvath. A former Hollywood insider, Horvath has been a drug addict, con artist and, for a brief period, homeless. He says he's left that life behind, and these days, he's drawing on his past to inspire his Web site -- Invisiblepeople.tv. The site is a collection of YouTube-... posted on Sep 08 2011, 5,022 reads


An Accidental Activist
"So many of us have good ideas for helping the world. But we tuck our ideas away. I did. I'd tell myself that if the idea were any good someone else would have already done it. That I'm not capable of making a difference. I'd sit on my ideas, get on with my 'life,' and then feel angry at the world because the problems I cared about didn't get solved. I had that fear of going first. Then I took my ... posted on Sep 02 2011, 9,246 reads


School Superintendent Gives Up $800k
Some people give back to their community. Then there's School Superintendent Larry Powell, who's literally giving back. As in $800,000 -- his expected compensation for the next three years. Until 2015, Powell will run 325 schools and 35 school districts with 195,000 students, all for $31,000/yr. "How much do we need to keep accumulating?" asks Powell, 63. "There's no reason for me to keep stockpil... posted on Aug 30 2011, 5,957 reads


A Morning When Everything Fell Into Place
"I finally found a Motel 6 about twenty-five miles east. When I got there around 11pm, from the cars and people I saw -- it was still warm outside, maybe 85 degrees -- I got the impression I was deep in gang territory. A young couple checking in at the office counter ahead of me added to this impression. I was nervous and felt out of place, but ended up getting a good night's sleep. In the morning... posted on Aug 26 2011, 11,963 reads


A 21-Year-Old's Solution to Homelessness
As a design student in Detroit, Veronika Scott was keenly aware of the increasing numbers of homeless people suffering deeply during the relentless winters. At the tender age of 21, she created The Detroit Empowerment Plan to provide much-needed warmth to the city's 20,000 street dwellers. Scott is the creator of Element S, a coat that is self-heated, waterproof, and transforms into a sleeping bag... posted on Aug 23 2011, 14,885 reads


Homeless Kid Wows Korea
At three years old, he was handed off to an orphanage. At five years old, he was living on the streets. At twenty-two years old, he's persevered and pursued his love for the arts, amazing the world with his heartfelt performance on this video of Korea's Got Talent. Meet Choi Sung-Bong, a person who embodies the idea of never giving up. ... posted on Aug 21 2011, 9,675 reads


Using Soccer to Turn it Around
Lisa Wrightsman used soccer to turn her life around, and now she's using it to help others do the same. Wrightsman was in a semipro league, but later succumbed to drugs, alcohol, homelessness and jail. Last year, however, she entered a Volunteers of America recovery program and discovered their street soccer program. With soccer as her pivot, she made a big shift in her own life, and then saw the ... posted on Jul 29 2011, 3,976 reads


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