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Daniel Mason graduated from Harvard and is a med student at UCSF. But in this spare time, he's become a best selling author of 'Piano Tuner' at the age of 26.... posted on Dec 13 2002, 858 reads


... posted on Dec 08 2002, 972 reads


1 in 5 children in the U.S. live at or below the poverty line, according to the Census Bureau. The U.S. child poverty rate is higher than that of most other industrialized nations.... posted on Dec 04 2002, 1,187 reads


The Bollmann household is in a state of organized chaos. No shower can last longer than three minutes, two washing machines are running at all times, and every family member's activity - from chores to band practice - is arranged on a complex, gridded schedule.... posted on Oct 10 2002, 807 reads


... posted on Sep 30 2002, 849 reads


Do all rappers spend their time writing lurid and obscene lyrics? Far from it - these two are publishing kids books with a positive message: ... posted on Sep 27 2002, 958 reads


Human beings see the world in a new way every morning. The first time we open our eyes, the top layer of our vision sense receptors is simply scorched away. ... posted on Sep 17 2002, 1,209 reads


Having been bullied as a sensitive child in the segregrated South, nine year old Vernon Kitabu Turner vowed "to become the protector of the weak," giving himself to the art of self-defense "with no less devotion than the samurai of Japan." With 'a mind like water,' he is now able to defeat the greatest of opponents -- with a single finger -- leaving them unharmed and himself with a heart full of ... posted on Sep 05 2002, 1,194 reads


... posted on Aug 26 2002, 2,057 reads


In Navajo culture, there is something called the First Laugh Ceremony. Tradition dictates that each Navajo baby is kept on a cradleboard until he or she laughs for the first time. Then the tribe throws a celebration in honor of the child's first laugh, which is considered to be his or her birth as a social being. (From: The Power of Laughter (c) Richard Lederer)... posted on Aug 20 2002, 1,113 reads


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Grace isn't a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal. It's a way to live.
Jackie Windspear

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