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When Liz Murray didn't have a bed, she and a friend would sometimes go to a diner in the Bronx, pool their change to buy french fries with gravy and cheese, and take naps with their heads resting on the table. Since then, the 22-year-old has been to Harvard University and back again in a real-life story of willpower and determination that has inspired a television movie. Liz Murray -- from homel... posted on Apr 08 2003, 1,635 reads


Standing Up to Bulldozers
23-year-old American peace activist, Rachel Corrie, was crushed to death by a bulldozer as she tried to prevent the Israeli army from destroying homes in the Gaza Strip. In a series of emails to her family, prior to her death, she had explained why she was risking her life for principle.... posted on Mar 21 2003, 2,008 reads


Basketball players at Cairo High School in Illinois don’t have much, not even matching uniforms. But that doesn’t stop them from winning! They're ranked no. 3. The city of Cairo has abandoned industrial buildings, dilapidated houses, a downtown that looks like a ghost town ... but they have high schoolers with dreams. There's no public pool, no mall, no movie theater, not even a fast-food... posted on Mar 18 2003, 892 reads


Autism Finds a Miracle Worker
Tito, an autistic boy from India, is often referred to as a miracle. Never before has a person with Tito's severity of autism been able to do the things Tito can, like write poetry and communicate his autistic experiences with total clarity. Tito offers a rare window into a world never before understood. And behind this miracle, a miracle worker, a mother who works tirelessly to keep him tuned ... posted on Feb 21 2003, 1,778 reads


He's 22, leads an organization with four employees, and through his website is able to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in a matter of days and move thousands of people to action. That's Eli Pariser of ... he's redefining peace activism and highlighting the power of the web as a tool for organization.... posted on Feb 13 2003, 1,706 reads


When nine-month-old Jonathan Barzach died from spinal muscular atrophy, his parents -- Amy and Peter -- grieved heavily. As they searched for ways to heal and for ways to celebrate their son's life, they remembered seeing a little girl in a wheelchair at a local playground sadly watching the other children play. Deeply inspired, the Barzach family led a community-wide effort to develop Jonathanâ... posted on Feb 05 2003, 1,037 reads


... posted on Jan 27 2003, 985 reads


... posted on Jan 26 2003, 936 reads


... posted on Jan 12 2003, 925 reads


... posted on Jan 05 2003, 913 reads


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Language ought to be the joint creation of poets and manual workers.
George Orwell

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