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Nearly three-fourths of the teens surveyed recently said they got along quite well with their parents or guardians, about a quarter described those relationships as OK, and only 3 percent said they did not get along with their parents.... posted on Aug 29 2003, 873 reads


When the yoga teacher urges her students to stretch like trees, Benjamin Wolfgang gets up on his toes. Jenna Katz opens her palms to the ceiling. Francis Karagodins, however, runs around the room and plays with the curtains. He can be forgiven: he's just 3 years old. Jenna is 4, and with two years of instruction behind her, a veteran in an increasingly popular activity, yoga for children. ... posted on Aug 19 2003, 915 reads


Ten years ago, a Canadian school teacher had an idea -- connect classrooms across the world via the radio. It worked wonders. With a twist of a dial, students heard each other in French, German, Spanish and various English accents across different times zones around the globe ... heck, even an astronaut tuned in one time!... posted on Jul 26 2003, 881 reads


An average American child watches as many as 40,000 television commercials every year. With children either spending or influencing 500 billion dollars worth of purchases, marketing techniques have been turned upside down. In the past the most effective way to sell children's products was through mom and dad. Now the opposite is true, children are the focal point for intense advertising pressure ... posted on Jul 15 2003, 895 reads


If you're the richest man in the world, what would be the most satisfying part of your life? Well, Bill Gates says it's having kids and playing with them!... posted on Jul 11 2003, 1,423 reads


Ecosandals Out of Kenya
Matthew Meyer, founder of, decided to start a business in Korogocho after seeing Kenyan poverty firsthand when he went to Nairobi in 1992 during his junior year in college. He came up with the Ecosandals concept after noticing that others liked the locally made tire sandals shoes and thought the cheap alternative to factory-made shoes might have an international appeal. Within 36 ho... posted on Jul 01 2003, 1,303 reads


The 15-25 year old range has been dubbed "Generation Fix". According to a study last year by CIRCLE, 40% of people between the ages of 15 and 25 volunteered in the past year -- compared with 32 percent of GenXers and 32 percent of baby boomers. The number of students involved in service-related school projects has increased 1,400 percent over the past 15 years to 12.6 million, according to the U.S... posted on Jun 04 2003, 1,016 reads


Searching for the comics in the local paper, a front-page article caught Craig Kielburger's attention. He read about a young boy from Pakistan who was sold into bondage as a carpet weaver, escaped and was murdered for speaking out against child labor. Craig gathered a group of friends and founded the organization 'Kids Can Free The Children'. Seven years later, he has visited 40 countries, writt... posted on May 07 2003, 983 reads


He was solving math problems at 14 months, reading and correcting adults' grammar by 2 -- the same age he decided to become a vegetarian. He was explaining photosynthesis to kindergarten classmates at 5. He breezed through 10 grades of school in three years, graduated with honors from high school at 9, founded an international youth advocacy organization, met with prime ministers and presidents, a... posted on Apr 29 2003, 1,570 reads


At the beginning of each year, students at Chapin High School in Chapin, S.C., chart the groups and cliques on their campus. Typically, it's a picture of divisions. Then they, "Mix It Up", create creative interactions amongst and enjoy 'Unity Day'.... posted on Apr 11 2003, 1,030 reads


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Technology can greatly assist human capability, but it cannot produce compassion.
Dalai Lama

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