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Google Books
Imagine a world where all the world’s books are available at your fingertips. This is Google’s vision, to digitize millions of books and make them available on the net. ... posted on Nov 23 2005, 2,763 reads


Renewable Retail
Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott announced that over the next three years he wants to get 100 percent of Wal-Mart's energy from renewable sources. If Wal-Mart was a city, it would be No. 5 in the country, meaning the mega-retailer could have a huge impact not only on their buildings and trucks, but on their suppliers as well. ... posted on Nov 10 2005, 1,452 reads


Sorry's State of Affairs
Admitting a mistake is one of the hardest tasks to do, as we work hard to make ourselves look good. However research is beginning to show that people are much better off if they say they are sorry when they make a mistake. In business and medicine, an apology has proved to lower the number of lawsuits and the amount awarded in those that are filed. ... posted on Nov 01 2005, 1,299 reads


Business as Unusual
At Denmark's KaosPilots business school, students learn how to set up and carry out projects, sell their ideas, put together a business plan, stimulate creativity, work cooperatively, inspire others and themselves, and realize their dreams. And it shows in their results: one group of students project inspired the youth of Sarajevo to raise funds and rebuild the youth centre that was shot to piece... posted on Sep 17 2005, 1,211 reads


People's Grocery
West Oakland, California, is a junk food oasis. The 25,000 resident neighborhood has 36 convenience and liquor stores to buy over-priced beer and candy in, but just one supermarket in which to buy fresh produce. That was until a group of social entreprenuers opened "The People's Grocery" to deliver locally grown food into the neighborhood and provide a thriving center for jobs, economic empowermen... posted on Sep 08 2005, 1,530 reads


Dedicated to the proposition that low-tech hardware could transform the lives of Kenya's farmers by making their work profitable, Martin Fisher and Nick Moon developed a revolutionary small pressure pump for irrigation called the MoneyMaker. The invention allows subsistence farmers to irrigate significantly more land, and begin growing cash crops. There are now more than 24,000 pumps in operation,... posted on Jul 02 2005, 1,228 reads


Endangered Species Chocolate
To put himself through school, Jon Stocking worked on a tuna boat where he witnessed dolphins and other marine animals being fatally trapped in the tuna nets. One day, Jon's conscience got the better of him, as he began to cut open the tuna net to free a trapped mother and baby dolphin and didn't stop till every last fish was freed back to the ocean. Jon lost his job, but not his conscience, and h... posted on Jun 28 2005, 1,309 reads


Green Business
General Electric's CEO Jeffrey Immelt has launched Ecomagination in an effort to invest in green technologies that will clean GE's own processes and capture business from the increasing demand for green technologies from developed countries. Is this green washing? Perhaps, however if this green effort is legitimate it could be a catalyst for more companies and perhaps the US government to take sus... posted on Jun 01 2005, 1,299 reads


Responsible Investing
Want information on how to invest your money in a healthier tomorrow? The Natural Capital Institute has published the holdings of all Social Responsible Investing (SRI) mutual funds throughout the world. While not a replacement for in-depth financial anlaysis, the site does provide the capability to screen SRI funds that meet specific criteria; for example you can search for mutual funds that have... posted on May 26 2005, 1,069 reads


While chocolate is sweet for us, it is heartbreaking for cocoa producers and their families. In 2001, The US State Department reported child slavery on Ivory Coast cocoa farms, the origin of 43 percent of the world's cocoa. Global Exchange has been demanding that the US chocolate industry solve this crisis by selling Fair Trade chocolates. Fair Trade is a brand that verifies cocoa farmers are bein... posted on May 12 2005, 1,307 reads


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Things don't change. You change your way of looking, that's all.
Carlos Castaneda

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