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50 Ways To Green Your Business
Imagine asking today how the Internet affects business. It's an absurd question, like asking how electricity changed business. Asking the same about sustainability, it turns out, is equally absurd. Like the Internet, sustainability spurs innovation in everything, from how you see your business model to whether you see your employees (why not let them work at home more?). In this article, Fast Comp... posted on Nov 29 2007, 3,121 reads


Personal Transformation Required
"Nothing happens without "personal transformation." But at the heart of any serious effort to alter how we operate lies a concern with three dysfunctions of our culture: fragmentation, competition, and reactiveness.The word health has the same roots as "whole." Like people, organizations can get sick and die. They also need to be cured and healed. Yet, like physicians who focus only on their speci... posted on Nov 13 2007, 4,506 reads


Speed Reading People
In the workplace, social settings, and family situations, effective communication is key to productive relationships. But different personality types communicate in different ways, often causing communication breakdowns when opposing styles clash. That's why one company is putting its entire 1,100-person work force through SpeedReading People, a program that teaches techniques for rapidly identify... posted on Nov 09 2007, 3,331 reads


Interviews with Passionate Professionals
A year after receiving his accounting degree, Brett Farmiloe already was tired of his 9-to-5 days stuffed inside a cubicle. He found his job boring, unrewarding and just plain miserable. So, the 22-year-old entrepreneur is trying to change that -- not only for himself, but also for millions of others. Farmiloe and three friends are about to embark on their second cross-country road trip to documen... posted on Nov 05 2007, 3,259 reads


7 Cool Companies
Restraining corporate power requires changing the way we think about business. This means changing who owns, controls, and benefits from it. Profits, for instance, can flow to workers, consumers, or the community—not just to outside investors. And the vast range of businesses, from small community owned firms to state pension funds, succeed! As identified by Yes Magazine, what follows are seven... posted on Nov 03 2007, 4,552 reads


Gift Economy Bagels?
Every Friday, Paul Feldman would bring in some bagels and cream cheese to work and set out a cash basket and a sign with the suggested price. His collection rate was about 95%. Years later, when his company fell under new management, Paul quit his job and started to give bagels in the same way. Driving around the office parks that encircle Washington, he solicited customers with a simple pitch:... posted on Oct 23 2007, 2,581 reads


No E-mail Fridays
Scheduling a meeting? Send an e-mail. Need that report right away? Send an e-mail.The volume of e-mails has exploded in recent years with over 170 billion now being sent daily around the globe. That's two million every second. But many in business now worry this tool for easy communication is actually making it harder to communicate. Jay Ellison, executive vice president at U.S. Cellular decided ... posted on Oct 19 2007, 3,724 reads


Why Sharing Makes Sense
MIT Professor Eric von Hippel, with his book "Democratizing Innovation," has dramatically shifted the insularity of "innovation" and brought it to the realms of every user. In this interview, von Hippel shares his concepts around lead user and free revealing. He talks of "users of products and services –- both firms and individual consumers," innovating and developing the exact product that th... posted on Oct 11 2007, 1,785 reads


Holistic Business School Serves Disadvantaged
An actuary turned management consultant, Taddy Blecher first stepped into a South African township by mistake. "I was terrified and thought I was going to die," he remembers. In 1995, he was at the point of moving to America, but at the last minute he decided to stay and make a difference. He and three partners then started CIDA City Campus, a $21/month-tuition, holistic business university for 15... posted on Sep 16 2007, 1,947 reads


CEOs Turn to Meditation
The crowd of Harvard Business School alums who gathered at their reunion to hear networking expert Keith Ferrazzi speak earlier this summer might have expected to pick up strategies on how to work a room, remember people's names, or identify mentors. But tactical skills, it turns out, aren't what turned Ferrazzi into a bestselling author or sought-after speaker. Instead Ferrazzi let his fellow alu... posted on Aug 13 2007, 2,804 reads


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Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors.
Jonas Salk

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