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How Emotions Influence Advice Taking
Research from Wharton and Carnegie Melon has shown that emotions not only influence people's receptiveness to advice, but they do so even when the emotions have no link to the advice or the adviser. At one level, the conclusion that the two researchers -- Maurice Schweitzer and Francesca Gino -- came to, seems obvious. Of course, people's moods affect their frame of mind. Most people have felt str... posted on Aug 28 2009, 4,449 reads


In Good We Trust
San Francisco has nearly one nonprofit organization for every 100 residents, and the Bay Area spends more than twice as much per capita in the nonprofit sector as the nation does as a whole. SF Bay Area innovators have been drivers of the environmental, antiwar, civil rights, and AIDS movements and now the nonprofit sector. "They wanted to change the world, and now a lot of them are, by running k... posted on Aug 11 2009, 3,868 reads


Asking One Tough Question
Marshall Goldsmith is a world authority in helping successful leaders achieve positive, lasting change in behavior and author of, "What Got You Here Won't Get You There". In this article he answers the question, "What prevents us from making the changes we know will make us more effective leaders?"... posted on Jul 25 2009, 6,985 reads


Are You Spending Time The Right Way?
Though most managers understand intellectually that time is their scarcest resource, few make the effort to gain a strategic perspective on how they spend their hours each week. Still fewer make a regular practice of keeping track of how the priorities they say are most important jibe with the way they actually spend their time. "Those we label natural born leaders know how to leverage their time,... posted on Jul 21 2009, 5,204 reads


The Altruism of Economics
"Layoffs were needed and among the casualties were six firefighters, including, most regrettably, a young man who'd recently rescued several children from a burning apartment building. The job cuts were due to go into effect the first week of January. But then something remarkable happened. The men and women of the Yonkers Fire Department offered to work days free for six months so their colleague... posted on Jul 18 2009, 4,658 reads


Telling Stories in our Organizations
"This firm had developed a reputation for being a terrible place to work. When I met with the head of the firm, he illustrated the problem with a personal example. Just recently, he told me, a client meeting had been scheduled on the day one of his employees was getting married. 'I told her she needed to be there. That the meeting was early enough and she could still get to her wedding on time.' H... posted on Jul 17 2009, 5,259 reads


Leadership Lessons from Delta's CEO
In the fast pace of today's organizations -- whether corporate, nonprofit, or government -- not many leaders cite patience as the most important lesson they have learned. Even fewer leaders likely hand-write a half-dozen thank-you notes every day. The NY Times shares highlights from an interview with Richard Anderson, CEO of Delta Air Lines, whose advice on careers is to "just focus on getting you... posted on Jul 10 2009, 4,245 reads


How To Do A Million Good Deeds
Three student entrepreneurs at the University of Michigan think they can use their phones to make the world a better place, one download at a time. Three weeks since its launch at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, the application, DoGood, has recruited more than 15,000 individuals to be part of a growing network of users who want to change the world, at least a little. Subscribers to the fr... posted on Jul 07 2009, 4,355 reads


31 Ways to Jumpstart Local Economy
YES Magazine shares a list of 31 ways to jumpstart your local economy, make it with less, share more, and put people and the planet first. Ideas are categorized by 'at home', 'with friends' and 'in your community': Rent out a room in your home; Shorten the supply chain; Dip your toe in the barter economy; Pool funds with a group of friends for home repairs, greening projects, or emergencies; Use p... posted on Jun 17 2009, 5,868 reads


Social Entrepreneurship Revisited
Ashoka founder and CEO Bill Drayton first used the term "social entrepreneurship" in the early 1980s, and it continues to inspire images of audacious social change -- the kind that sweeps away the old approaches to solving intractable social problems such as disease, hunger, and poverty. Like business entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship involves a wave of creative destruction that remakes so... posted on Jun 09 2009, 3,057 reads


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Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.
George Eliot

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