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The Biology of Leadership
"The salient discovery is that certain things leaders do -- specifically, exhibit empathy and become attuned to others' moods -- literally affect both their own brain chemistry and that of their followers. Indeed, researchers have found that the leader-follower dynamic is not a case of two (or more) independent brains reacting consciously or unconsciously to each other. Rather, the individual mind... posted on Nov 10 2009, 6,053 reads


Death by Information Overload
Thanks to the Internet, a wealth of information is at our fingertips. We can access so much knowledge at speeds previously impossible. However, there is a downside to this information overload. Trying to keep up with the flurry of a constantly updated web world can leave us drained, and distract us from the important tasks of our jobs. Current research suggests that the surging volume of inform... posted on Nov 04 2009, 5,118 reads


Three Secrets To A Happy Workplace
During two years of research for his book, Punching In, Alex Frankel served as a driver's assistant at UPS, poured coffee at a busy Starbucks cafe, folded garments at Gap, rented cars for Enterprise, and sold iPods at an Apple Store. He came away from the experience with 'an appreciation for the roots and benefits of on-the-job happiness.' Frankel found being judged on what he did, rather than how... posted on Oct 28 2009, 7,723 reads


Managing with the Brain in Mind
People who feel betrayed or unrecognized at work -- for example, when they are reprimanded, given an assignment that seems unworthy, or told to take a pay cut -- experience it as a neural impulse, as powerful and painful as a physical blow. Most people learn to rationalize or temper their reactions, but they also limit their commitment and engagement. They become purely transactional employees, re... posted on Oct 12 2009, 6,622 reads


Age Old Wisdom for the New Economy
"When we were looking for some wisdom on building a new economy, I immediately thought of Rebecca Adamson. Native peoples have developed societies that function within ecological limits and counter the tendency of societies to polarize between rich and poor, powerful and excluded. Adamson, a Cherokee, is founder of First Nations Development Institute and First Peoples Worldwide. She works globally... posted on Oct 09 2009, 3,993 reads


The Leader's Work: Reweaving Relationships
"The scientific search for the basic building blocks of life has revealed a startling fact: there are none. The deeper that physicists peer into the nature of reality, the only thing they find is relationships. Even sub-atomic particles do not exist alone (...) We live in a culture that does not acknowledge this scientific fact. We believe wholeheartedly in the individual and build organization... posted on Oct 07 2009, 6,612 reads


5 Steps To Happiness At Work
Australian positive psychologist Timothy Sharp -- otherwise known as "Dr. Happy" -- asked 50 people a simple question: What do you consider to be the top three contributors to happiness at work? Their answers provide food for thought to managers and employees alike. This article from Greater Good shares more.... posted on Sep 30 2009, 16,660 reads


18-Minute Plan For Managing Your Day
"Yesterday started with the best of intentions. I walked into my office in the morning with a vague sense of what I wanted to accomplish. Then I sat down, turned on my computer, and checked my email. Two hours later, after fighting several fires, solving other people's problems, and dealing with whatever happened to be thrown at me through my computer and phone, I could hardly remember what I had ... posted on Sep 23 2009, 13,198 reads


Seeking Jobs with Impact
Now that the financial system has been rocked to its core, "social capital" is getting a lot of buzz. But what is it? It boils down to putting your efforts into jobs with a socially positive impact, connecting money with meaning and investing with those principles in mind. People of all ages are pursuing those mantras -- from twentysomethings seeking socially responsible jobs straight out of colle... posted on Sep 16 2009, 4,774 reads


True to Yourself
Believing that business should serve the common good is one thing, but combining profit with purpose is no easy trick. Mark Albion, an entrepreneur, ex-Harvard Business School professor and author of "True to Yourself: Leading a Values-Based Business," is confident that it's possible to build a business with a social conscience without sacrificing business acumen and financial reward. To learn how... posted on Aug 31 2009, 3,529 reads


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Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
Thomas Edison

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