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6 Ways to Find Work You Love
"The idea of fulfilling work -- a job that reflects our passions, talents, and values-- is a modern invention. Open Dr. Johnson's celebrated Dictionary, published in 1755, and the word "fulfillment" doesn't even appear. But today our expectations are higher, which helps explain why job satisfaction has declined to a record low of 47 percent in the U.S., and is even lower in Europe. If you count y... posted on Aug 08 2013, 52,283 reads


Find Your Moment of Obligation
People who successfully tackle big social, environmental, and economic problems are driven by what Lara Galinsky of Echoing Green calls a moment of obligation -- a specific time in their life when they felt compelled to act. These moments become their North Star and keep them going in a positive direction when everything seems dark. Activists or social entrepreneurs aren't the only ones who are mo... posted on Jul 23 2013, 23,882 reads


Uncovering the Blind Spot of Leadership
Why do many of our attempts to address the challenges of our times fail? This article presents the view that two leaders in the same environment acting in the same way can bring about completely different outcomes depending on the inner place from which each operates. We know very little about this inner dimension and this lack of knowledge constitutes a blind spot in our approach to leadership an... posted on Jul 09 2013, 88,723 reads


Talking It Out: Conversation Centered Leadership
"Every year, hundreds of thousands of new graduates enter the business world, eager to climb the corporate ladder. Their progress on the early rungs of that journey will often be determined by qualities like hard work, determination, knowledge and technical proficiency. But business consultants Alan S. Berson and Richard G. Stieglitz argue that those same qualities prove less helpful at higher run... posted on Jul 02 2013, 36,606 reads


Four Ways to Give Good Feedback
"When effectively administered, feedback is a powerful way to build knowledge and skills, increase skills, increase motivation, and develop reflective habits of mind in students and employees. Too often, however, the feedback we give (and get) is ineffectual or even counterproductive." This piece from Time magazine suggests four ways to offer effective feedback, drawn from research in cognitive sc... posted on Jun 06 2013, 15,514 reads


Transformation By Design: Your Visa Card & Evolution's Plan
Like the familiar phrases yin and yang, work and play, peanut butter and jelly, the term chaordic brings seeming opposites together in harmony. According to Dee Hock, the founder and former CEO of Visa International, the company owes its success to its cha-ordic structure. "Hock coined the term chaordic to describe that perfect balance of chaos and order where evolution is most at home. Yes, that'... posted on May 30 2013, 34,890 reads


Givers vs. Takers: The Truth About Who Gets Ahead
"A colleague asks you for feedback on a report. A LinkedIn connection requests an introduction to one of your key contacts. A recent graduate would like an informational interview. New research from Wharton management professor Adam Grant reveals that how you respond to these requests may be a decisive indicator of where you will end up on the ladder of professional success. Grant recently spoke w... posted on Apr 24 2013, 46,787 reads


Happiness & the Pursuit of Difficult Problems
Lurking behind the question of jobs -- whether there are enough of them, how hard we should work at them, and what kind the future will bring -- is a major problem of job engagement. Too many people are tuned out, turned off, or ready to leave. But there's one striking exception. The happiest people I know are dedicated to dealing with the most difficult problems. Turning around inner city schools... posted on Apr 21 2013, 9,429 reads


The Persuasive Power of Uncertainty
"When we started this research, we had the same hypothesis that a lot of people would have, that being more certain would be generally better when you're trying to persuade somebody or convince somebody to do something. And so, we were originally thinking expressing confidence or certainty might be a solution for people who lack credibility to gain influence. And so, we did some studies to look in... posted on Apr 09 2013, 6,858 reads


Six Ways to Become A Wise Leader
There are two kinds of leaders, according to Prasad Kaipa and Navi Radjou, the authors of a new book called "From Smart to Wise." Smart leaders "tend to look at the world through colored lenses that skew or limit their perspective, which affects their decisions and actions, while wise leaders "are able to continually reframe and reinterpret events through integration and find new meanings within a... posted on Apr 02 2013, 40,413 reads


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Quote Bulletin

When you feel the body from inside, there is a door.

Eugene Gendlin

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