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May 28, 2023

"The great thing, then, in all education, is to make our nervous system our ally instead of our enemy." --William James

Finding Treasure in the Ruins of Trauma

"An early pioneer in mind-body medicine, Dr. James Gordon says we are all affected by trauma. But all of us also "have a great and largely untapped capacity to help and heal ourselves and one another." Dr. Gordon founded the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, DC, initially to transform health care by training health professionals with the tools of stress- and trauma relief. But he soon hit the limits of the medical establishment and so extended his offerings beyond traditional health care, going directly to communities and creating a version of medicine for the people, by the people. Dr. Gordon has created training programs of mind-body healing not just for health professionals, but for traumatized populations in the worlds hot spots, embracing a model of creating healing communities by training the trainers, or "Teaching Thousands to Heal Millions." Learn more about his remarkable life journey and work here.


For more inspiration, check out the RESET conference replay this weekend -- an in-depth offering and exploration featuring dozens of speakers (including Dr. Gordon) on how to regulate and balance the nervous system in safe and effective ways. More ...