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Mar 17, 2022

"Consciousness is not in the body; the body is in consciousness. And you are that consciousness." --Dan Millman

How to Awaken Your Inner Healer

"I was half-asleep. It was a few minutes past 5:00 a.m. and the mornings larks were half-asleep, too. The sky was deep indigo. My house was rarely so quiet and still. Id just rolled out of bed, tiptoed to my study for privacy, and turned on my laptop. Teacher Wei Qifeng was on the screen, projecting from over 6,000 miles away in Dali, China, where it was 8:00 p.m. Sporting a shaved head and a perfect set of teeth behind his ear-to-ear smile, he started his session on the mind-body practice of qigong with a soft, yet commanding voice, 'Relax your intention.' Relax my intention? I'd always heard the opposite: 'Strengthen your intention!' 'Manifest your intention!' 'Harness the power of your intention!' Besides, it seemed to me that my intention was noble, always focused on the healing of myself, others, and the natural world. Surely, I'd misheard him." A doctor of internal medicine, Cynthia Li, shares more in this piece about her ongoing journey with Quigong, and the revelations that have come with it.


Join a special conversation and practice with Qigong master Wei Qifeng this Sunday. More details and RSVP info here. More ...