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Feb 17, 2022

"The secret in singing is found between the vibration in the singer's voice and the throb in the hearer's heart." --Kahlil GIbran

Writing a Better Story

"When I wrote the song Writing A Better Story I was in the process of doing some very deep inner work, which included stories of personal trauma but also legacy burdens that had been carried for generations and finally given to me. There are stories I carry and you carry that support us, sustain us, inspire us to be kinder better people and work for the better kinder world. There are stories we carry of courage and resilience that support a renewable kind of hope. But there are also stories that wounded us, made us doubt our own value, and cast a shadow our own sense of sacredness and worthiness. In this song I was claiming a new story, writing a better story than some of the ones I'd been carrying. It was a song about forgiveness, the kind of forgiveness does not mean or imply forgetting, but rather the kind of forgiveness that implies intention, and an expansion of compassion, that extends even to ourselves." Carrie Newcomer shares more.


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