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Jan 17, 2022
"You ask what the absolute is. It is the essence of your soul before everything." --The Upanishads
Consciousness as the Ground of Being
"I woke in the night and suddenly, to put it very briefly, I experienced myself as love. It felt like an unbelievably strong and powerful love an energy which was both scintillating white and self-knowing -- and it was coming from me. This I found extraordinary, because I didn't know then that such love could emerge from me, or from anybody. And so I was stunned. Then this energy exploded, and I saw that everything is 'made' of that same love. I experienced myself as the world made of that energy observing myself, and that was mind-blowing, because I had always experienced myself as separate from the objects of my observations. But suddenly I was both the observer and the observed. It was a very short experience, but it changed my life. It gave me a taste that there is more to reality than what I knew." Federico Faggin is a physicist and entrepreneur dedicated to the study of consciousness. He also happens to be the inventor of the world's first microprocessor, the Intel 4004 chip-- the device at the heart of all our computer technology. In this remarkable interview he discusses his new theory-- which puts our interiority and 'the desire to know ourselves at the centre of reality.'