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Dec 30, 2021

"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.

They're in each other all along." --Rumi

Love: Life's Greatest Gift

"Love is life's greatest gift. We seek for love, and yet it is all around and within us. It belongs to the oneness of life, to every dewdrop on every leaf, to the spider spinning its web, the child looking at the stars. If we open our senses and open our hearts, we can feel its presence. Love is life speaking to us of its real mystery. And in that conversation so many things can happen, so many miracles can be born, the small unsuspecting miracles that we often do not notice--like momentary sunlight from behind a cloud, a flower where a seed unexpectedly sprouted, a smile from a stranger. Despite all of its distortions, pain, and suffering, this world belongs to love, just as each of us belongs to love. And just to know that we are part of this love is enough." Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee shares more in this passage that equates learning to love with learning to live.


As you go through your day today, experiment with looking at everything and everyone that you encounter, as belonging to love.