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Nov 9, 2021

"The key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body -- to feel it at all times. This will rapidly deepen and transform your life." --Eckhart Tolle

A Portal to Presence

"A 'Portal to Presence' is exactly what it says: a simple doorway or entrance to the field of Consciousness or Presence. It would be stretching the meaning of the word "technique" or "method" to apply it to this idea. One just walks through the portal as one becomes aware of its existence. There is no effort involved such as a decision to remain in the doorway, or to walk through on one's hands and knees. In fact, it would be a bit odd to hang out in the doorway itself or to approach it in such a convoluted matter. The portal opens, and Presence arises spontaneously." Gunther Weil is a Harvard-trained psychologist, executive coach, and lifelong student of consciousness. His diverse and colorful life includes working as a music business executive and being instrumental in the production of Aerosmiths first album; teaching at Brandeis University, recruited and mentored by psychologist Abraham Maslow; coaching international executives in leadership, wellness, organizational development, and conflict resolution in the private and public sectors; studying and teaching Tai Chi and becoming a recognized master teacher of Qigong. He shares more in this in-depth essay on Qigong as a Portal to Presence.


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