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Sep 22, 2021

"Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict - alternatives to passive or aggressive responses, alternatives to violence." --Dorothy Thompson

A Palestinian Woman Building Peace From the Bottom Up

Born in Jerusalem to respected Palestinian scholars and educators, Huda Abu Arquob's great-grandfather was one of the many Muslim Palestinians who took in and protected Jewish residents of Hebron during the 1929 massacre. "That story has not been properly documented," Huda says, "perhaps because it challenges the simplistic narrative of Palestinians and Israelis fighting for 3,000 years. I've felt throughout my life that is it important to challenge these false narratives and to try and change the way we look at the 'Other'." Based in Hebron, Huda Abu Arquob is the Regional Director of the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), a coalition and network of more than 130 civil society organizations working in Palestine and in Israel on conflict transformation, peacebuilding and nonviolent direct actions. She is also a recognized leader in grassroots initiatives focused on Feminist Inclusive Political Activism. She shares more in this interview.


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