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Feb 7, 2020

"What will those who come after us think of us? Will they envy us that we saw butterflies and mockingbirds, penguins and little brown bats?" --Derrick Jensen

Beyond Civilization

"I want to live in a world with more wild salmon every year than the year before. More migratory songbirds. More blue whales, slender salamanders, red-legged frogs. More prairies, canebrakes, native forests, beds of sea grass. I want to live in a world with less dioxin in every human and nonhuman mother's breast milk, a world with fewer dams each year than the year before. I'll never live in that world. I'll never know what it's like to live in a world with more butterflies each year, where each year frog songs get louder, flocks of birds get larger, as do herds of bison, herds of elephants. A world where seeing a tiger or wolf or marten or hawk or eagle or condor is not remarkable in the slightest. I'll never see that world. I'll never know that security, that homecoming." This poignant piece shares more.


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