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Sep 11, 2019

"True self is true friend. One ignores or rejects such friendship only at one's peril." --Parker Palmer

A New Son Begets A New Mother

"I raised my daughter, Claire, to listen to her true self. She was an odd kid, unusually intelligent from a young age and socially awkward, sometimes lacking empathy and always coming at things from a different way than her peers. I had made it my practice as her mother to allow and defend her unique way of being in the world. But when she announced she was a man at age 15, she had gone too far even for this open-minded mom: this I could not support. Convinced that this was an impulsive teenage phase with no regard for the long and serious fight for the rights of her LGBT predecessors, I greeted her announcement with denial, anger, stonewalling and scorn." What follows is the moving account of one mother's journey with her child's gender transition.


Is there a relationship in your own life that challenges you to break open fixed notions of identity? Consider where, in your own life, you might be holding on to static perspectives that no longer serve you or others. For more inspiration, join this Saturday's Awakin Call with Kim Morrow. RSVP and more details here. More ...