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Aug 4, 2019

"The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them." --Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Gratefulness Embraces Parkinson's

"I was diagnosed with Parkinson's just over three years ago when I was 50. Receiving the diagnosis from a matter-of-fact doctor was a traumatizing experience, and I felt that my life and my family's identity had collapsed. Life was difficult and still is difficult, yet something amazing is beginning to happen. I have slowly started to shift my attitude from the anger, fear, and loneliness brought on by the Parkinson's and the grim predictions of a Parkinson's future to a more body-based feeling of gratefulness for the wholeness of life as I experience it second by second. I have discovered not only profound wonder and indebtedness for the gift of my life and relationships but also a physical softening in the area of my heart and a growing ability to feel with my body joy, awe, and the interconnectedness that is hidden in plain sight all around us." Tim Roberts shares more.


Practice the shift from anger, fear or loneliness to the body-based feelings of gratefulness that Roberts speaks about in your own life this week.