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Apr 29, 2019

"People confound, misuse, interchange thinking and speaking, not realizing that speaking is for communication and thinking is for action." --Moshe Feldenkrais

The Obvious is Elusive

Moshe Feldenkrais, a physicist and Judo blackbelt who developed a somatic education method named after him, challenges us to think differently. He says that "speaking is not thinking, although we "obviously" consider them as the same thing...Suffice to think what God, truth, justice, honesty, communism, fascism, and so on mean in different human societies to see that much of our trouble lies in the fact that we confuse speaking with thinking. Thinking is a much wider function which contains many forms of possible expression. Speech is a serial event, as words come one after the other in time and by their nature cannot communicate the thought which may contain an immense number of aspects."


One example he gives is that "Nearly every delegate to a disarmament conference thinks that disarmament is desirable," yet there is much to argue about and resolve. And words like God, truth, justice, and honesty mean different things to different people and societies. What other examples can you find of words and ideas that most people agree are 'good,' but many don't agree about.