For the last 28 years, DailyGood newsletters have offered a daily email that inspires you to respond to life with creativity and kindness. To join a community of 147,572 subscribers, subscribe here.
Jan 23, 2019
"Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are." --Harold Kushner
Top 10 Kindness Stories of 2018
Kindness begets kindness. This simple saying points to a profound truth. What we put out into the world, often comes back to us in one form or another. Not only does kindness have this wonderful boomerang effect, it's also delightfully contagious. Being at the receiving end of an act of kindness or witnessing a thoughtful gesture for another person can inspire a chain reaction. This just might be one of the best recipe's out there for creating a better world. For inspiration, here are some of KindSpring's favorite stories of 2018.
What are three acts of kindness that you could potentially do this week? Start with one today. For more inspiration and resources visit KindSpring. More ...