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Jan 20, 2019

"It's when I got to college that I realized that, instead of getting to that stressed state and then using meditation to save myself, I found it was better for my health to use it on a daily basis." --Priya Shah

Quantitative and Qualitative Healing

"A bit over a year ago, my grandmother passed away. During the last couple of years of her life, she was dealing with a lot of different health problems -- literally ranging from head to toe. And, thanks to Western medicine, she was able to add years to her life, because of these different drugs and therapies that were working on the physical problems that were happening in her body. But, in the conversations that I had with her in those last couple months of her life, we learned that she was really struggling with the other parts of disease -- the nonphysical parts -- the emotional, the spiritual, the psychological kind of burdens that these diseases have that western medicine wasn't addressing...That really got me interested in quality of life, and how we can focus on that in western medicine and in the hospitals that we have here." As a pre-med student at UC Berkeley, Priya Shah created "The Happiness Advantage" to help students cope with stress. After three semesters, over 400 students had signed up. She shares more in this compelling interview.


Remember that at virtually any time you can stop, even just for two or three minutes, and come back to yourself - breathe, let go of tensions and come back to being here.