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Nov 15, 2018

"There is no faith which has never yet been broken, except that of a truly faithful dog." --Konrad Lorenz

K9s for Warriors: Together We Stand

Sometimes it's not the human who rescues the dog, but the dog who rescues the human. K9s for Warriors, a program based out of Ponte Verda, Florida, was established in 2011 to help soldiers experiencing PTSD and other war trauma disabilities. The dogs are trained to be service dogs and address symptoms in their owners such as anxiety, isolation, depression, and nightmares, often serving in conjunction with traditional treatments like medication and psychotherapy. To date, the program has rescued more than 850 dogs and 440 military service members, with an astounding 99% program success rate. "Service dogs are prescriptions on four legs," says owner Shari Duvall. Read on to learn more about the inspiring stories behind the soldiers and their canine warriors.


Do something this week in the spirit of serving someone who has experienced trauma. Need a place to start? Here's a first of it's kind opportunity: Last week's Awakin Call featured Janessa Gans Wilder. A former CIA officer turned peace builder. If you'd like to help transcribe a few minutes of this powerful interview (which will be turned into an upcoming DailyGood feature) you can join the crowd-sourced effort here! More ...