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Feb 15, 2018

"In the dark times Will there also be singing? Yes, there will also be singing. About the dark times." --Bertoldt Brecht

Photographing the Beauty of Life in the Shadow of War

While violence might be the only thing depicted in times of trouble or war, its not the whole picture. Thats what photographer Ami Vitale learned in places like Kosovo and Gaza. At the age of 26, Vitale quit her office job in Manhattan to go abroad and make a difference. There, she got a job as a photographer for a business journal when war broke out nearby, instantly altering her course and putting her on the path to becoming a well-known war photographer. Tasked with photographing violence, Vitale focused on the frontlines, but saw other stories not being told. She found the moments that really touched her were the life-affirming ones. Sometimes in plain view, sometimes hidden away, the stream of humanity flowed. In this National Geographic talk, Vitale asks the question, "What if we chose to illuminate the things that unite us as human beings, rather than just the things that divide us?"


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