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Dec 14, 2017

"I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing Light of your own Being." --Hafiz

Fly by Light Music Video

In the shadow of our nation's capital, high school students face more than just the challenges of schoolwork. They have to deal with inner-city gangs, drug dealers, drive-by shootings, a lack of role models, and little parental support. It can be a struggle just to stay alive -- which is why many D.C. teenagers never graduate. The Fly By Light program seeks to break this cycle with a series of after-school workshops culminating in an 8-day nature retreat. For many of them, it is their first time leaving the city, hiking in the woods, cooling off in a creek, uncovering difficult emotions, or expressing their feelings through art. Let this music video from the program wash over you like a cool stream, move you with raw emotion, energize you with the beat of drums. It is the sound of transformation, self-acceptance, friendship, and hope for a brighter future.


Watch an abbreviated version of the documentary, "Fly By Light," which follows four teenagers as they go through the program -- and then return to the challenges of everyday life.


Volunteer your time and talent to help disadvantaged youth. Call your local Boys and Girls Club or YMCA to ask about opportunities, or try http://www.volunteermatch.org or http://www.idealist.org.

Have compassion for all kids today. Remember what it was like to be a child, at the mercy of others for basic needs. Show them the world is a caring place.