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Nov 30, 2017

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." --Howard Thurman

The Sound of the Genuine

"Cultivate the discipline of listening" for your genuine self. This is the advice that Howard Thurman gave in 1980 during his commencement address at Spelman College. How many of us ever take the time to do that? We spend our days in many pointless pursuits that distract us from our essential truth. Thurman says the world is waiting for this truth to pour out of us, it is of our own creation and can't be dictated by anyone else or mimicked from others. Whether grand or simple, it is what we need to give to the world if we are to find ourselves or make the contribution that only we can make. Read more of Thurman's profound address here and cultivate the discipline of hearing that still small voice within to be yourself.


The inner voice of wisdom within each of us is a guide to the genuine self. It takes time and discipline to discern internal noise from the inner self, but with time and testing, one begins to hear with the intuition of the heart. Today, listen for that inner call to be true to your genuine self. For more inspiration join this Saturday's Awakin Call with animal rights activist Jasmin Singer, who listened to the sound of the genuine within herself. RSVP and more info here. More ...