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Nov 25, 2017

"Every aspect of your life is anchored energetically in your living space, so clearing clutter can completely transform your entire existence. " --Karen Kingston

The Art of Cleaning

Cleaning and doing chores aren't activities that our culture appreciates much these days, yet Sufi mystic Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee understands housework as being essential for a healthy spiritual life. "As within, so without. As above, so below," he seems to be saying in this article about 'The Art of Cleaning'. Sweeping becomes a metaphor for clearing away the debris that is blocking our progress. Discarding old, unwanted things becomes a way of letting go of attachments that no longer serve our spiritual journey. The very process of cleaning becomes a humbling act of taking responsibility for creating open, empty spaciousness, for new life to enter in. It is a way to be kind to all beings - including ourselves - who may enter into the spaces we have inhabited. With new appreciation, may we pick up our brooms and clear our drawers as living prayers of mindfulness.


Rather than clean as a chore in the coming week, try to think of it as a prayer for yourself and the world, to bring clarity and kindness to our home on planet Earth.