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Sep 26, 2017

"Smile, breathe and go slowly." --Thich Nhat Hanh

Healing Children & Communities One Breath at a Time

When he was just 6 years old, J.G. Larochette felt a deep calling to bring love and awareness to communities overwrought by racism, oppression, and inequality. While teaching in Richmond, CA, he recognized a significant gap between providing academic instruction and maintaining a sense of nurturance and compassion. "Reading is fundamental, but if we create a stressful environment, we counteract education. Education should be character and content. If we forget about the social-emotional aspect, it's going to create stress and chaos." Larochette addressed this void by founding the Mindful Life Project, a program geared toward the most at-risk students that incorporates mindfulness and stillness practices, along with yoga, expressive arts, and hip-hop. In this Awakin Call, Larochette shares how awakening self-compassion within himself enabled him to bring it to those most in need.


How can you deepen your own mindfulness practice to bring more awareness and presence to your daily life? For more inspiration, join this Saturday's Awakin Call with Jeffrey Mishlove,a licensed clinical psychologist, andcreator and host of the interview program "Thinking Allowed" which explores alternative points of view on topics such as humanistic psychology, living philosophically, frontiers of science, personal and spiritual development, computers, cognition and more. RSVP and more details here. More ...