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Mar 21, 2017

"Let yourself be surrounded by nature at its best, calm yourself, focus, and let magic do the rest." --Sally Walker

Become Your Own Greenspace

Studies reveal that contentment, interconnectedness and wellbeing levels all increase with exposure to the vibration of natural greenspaces. According to this article 'you don't need a rooftop garden or an acre of forest to create your own meditative biosphere. It can be wherever you are.' When we tap into the vibration our our hearts, this magnetic strength beyond that of our brains, creates a calm tranquility for our entire being. When we move from our minds to the natural rhythm of our hearts, we become our own greenspace. Greenspaces take us from the tech-heavy, fast paced world into surrendering to the natural, open, slower state that is the vibration of nature. Janmarie Conner offers some real world tips on how to soothe your mind and settle your soul not just through a greener physical environment, but through the natural vibration of your own heart.


Set aside time today to connect with the natural rhythm of your heart. Do this in nature for an even stronger connection to the soothing greenspace that is within us, and all around us.