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Feb 27, 2017

"Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Faith is the solvent that sets you free." -- Shannon L. Alder

Getting Unstuck: The Art of Possibility

We begin with grand plans for accomplishing a task, and too often end in frustration with having nothing done. What if we changed our view and looked at a rut as an opportunity instead of a problem? Rosamund Stone Zander, the author of "Getting Unstuck," helps us see the inner wisdom we all have. On her journey as a writer, slowing down is the key that opened a surge in creativity. She suggests that it is our fear of not being productive that actually gets us stuck. Having faith in the authentic voice inside of ourselves is the key to getting unstuck. She shares her own experience of relaxing the definitions given to "problems" and invites us to open up to problems as they teach us what we need so that we can move into a more creative way of living.


Have you ever been stuck in trying to accomplish a task? Share a story about your own experience in being set free from a "problem" when you looked at the situation differently.