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Nov 20, 2016

"Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light." --Theodore Roethke

Tending the Quiet Cadence of Our Lives

"Oysters open their shells when the moon is high. The chambered nautilus forms a new chamber in its spiraled shell every lunar month" In this lovely essay, Wayne Muller entreats us to pause the hectic pace of life to tune into nature's quiet rhythms. "There is a hum the earth makes... We are blessed with ears that allow us to hear music, and birds awakening at sunrise, and, if we take the time, if we listen with tremendous care, wonder and awe, to the symphony of the spheres, we, too, will hear those potent inner rhythms within us all speak to us, and tell us where we are, and where we may need to go. Now, more than ever, we are called... to remember who we are, what we know, and how the rhythms that saturate the whole of the natural world live and thrive in each and all of us --if we will only listen."


Listen deeply to nature's music. Let its rhythm soothe you and comfort you. Let its light call you back to your place in creation.