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Aug 29, 2016

"We were born to unite with our fellow men, and to join in community with the human race." ---Cicero-

Thirteen Ways of Looking at Community

Whether we know it or not, like it or not, honor it or not, we are embedded in community. Whether we think of ourselves as biological creatures or spiritual beings or both, the truth remains: we were created in and for a complex ecology of relatedness, and without it we wither and die. This simple fact has critical implications: community is not a goal to be achieved but a gift to be received. When we treat community as a product that we must manufacture instead of a gift we have been given, it will elude us eternally. When we try to "make community happen," driven by desire, design, and determination -- places within us where the ego often lurks -- we can make a good guess at the outcome: we will exhaust ourselves and alienate each other, snapping the connections we yearn for. Too many relationships have been diminished or destroyed by a drive toward "community-building" which evokes a grasping that is the opposite of what we need to do: relax into our created condition and receive the gift we have been given.


Relax into the community you've been given and embrace your interconnectedness with others.