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Jul 27, 2016

"It is only by holding, not forcing, that we can find our feet again and secure solid ground when everything else is shaking. In a world where productivity rules, this in itself is true resistance." --Janey Stephenson

When Resting is Resistance

Activists are impatient for the world we want to see. But though we seek to build a world beyond capitalism, we still fall into its traps, like the need for ceaseless productivity. We transpose capitalist definitions of 'success' onto social movements. We're either winning or losing. Within capitalism, if you're not growing and improving, you're failing. Some of us fight because our lives depend on it, and safe survival is hinged on change. Amid all of this, our very own hearts can drift away from us, anxiety-filled and future-focused. We're so used to resisting that we resist warning signs from our own minds and bodies, constantly talking about self-care, but rarely practicing it.


We live in two worlds, inner and outer. Ask your body/mind from time to time what it really wants. What does it mean to care for the Self? Could each Self be connected with other Selves? Are we humans all brothers and sisters within a larger context?