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Apr 17, 2015

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." --Victor Frankl

The 21-Day Technology Challenge

"The hustle of family life -- work, school, appointments, practice, homework, dinner, bed -- is constant. We move in and out of activities and commitments with ferocity...And since our life is designed to fully embrace living it, we have to be mindful of all the pieces that might creep in and occupy more than their fair share. Technology is one of those pieces." Author Janell Burley Hofmann works hard to make sure her family is mindful in its use of technology. She once drew up an 18 point iphone contract for her son that hit the headlines, and a deep chord for parents across the country. In this article she eloquently makes a case for the Slow Tech movement, and offers up seven ways to make our use of technology more balanced and conscious.


Join people all over the world in a 21-Day Mindful Technology Challenge that starts next week. Each day for three weeks you will receive an action prompt and inspiration that will help reshape your relationship to technology. More ...