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Jul 14, 2014

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." --Howard Thurman

Slomo: The Neurologist Turned Slow Motion Skater

Dr. John Kitchin was a successful neurologist who, on the surface seemed to have it all. But underneath the trappings of his material success he was ill-at-ease and unhappy. There was a haunting emptiness inside. After a serendipitous interaction with an elderly man in a cafeteria line, Kitchin decided to trade in his career and luxurious lifestyle (that included a Ferrari, an exotic animal farm and a huge mansion) to spend his life doing what brought him most joy. Now, he skates all day, every day, in slow motion, at Pacific Beach. People know him as SLOMO -- they smile when they see him, give him high-fives as he rolls by, and for a few fleeting moments sense the unfettered possibilities that life offers up when we make the choice to follow our bliss. This short video beautifully captures SLOMO's unconventional story and spirit.


What do you enjoy? Is it painting, biking, running, cooking, reading, talking, singing, gardening, playing? Whatever it is, DO THAT which makes you come alive!