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Know the Beauty of Place: Interview With An Eye-Opening Writer
What is a place? We don't have a word for it, really. A place is an intimate thing. It's so much more than just an area you can measure. Jane Wodening says, "When I see one, and I see its welcome, I like to go and sit in it awhile. A place might be very small or cover acres and acres. It's full of people -- I mean, critters and plants and water and air and dirt and light -- living their lives and raising their children and being affected by the sun or the shade. There's so much in each place that you can't possibly stop talking about it if you want to get it all." Through her writing, Jane opens our eyes. This rich interview with her shares more.
We miss so much. Take a few minutes and stop and look around carefully. Just stay with it for five minutes. You could even get down on your hands and knees and look closely at the life at your feet.