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Dec 17, 2012

"The one hope for the future lies, I believe, in Sacred Activism -- the fusion of the deepest spiritual knowledge and passion with clear, wise, radical action in all the arenas of the world, inner and outer." --Andrew Harvey

In response to Newtown, A Call for Spiritual Activism

Rev. Charles Howard, chaplain at the University of Pennsylvania, offers a reflection on the recent tragedy in Connecticut. In his own search for how to respond, he comes to the intersection of inner transformation and social activism: "I am fasting for the next 27 days. One day for each life lost in Newtown -- including the gunman's. Fasting has been a part of my spiritual life for some time, but it was always impressed upon me to never tell others when I was fasting, as it is meant to be a private thing -- just between you and God. Not a show. Not a feat to bring attention to oneself. But this time, I thought that maybe by sharing what I'm doing, by fasting for peace, I (we) might be able to not only lean into this issue spiritually, but also move those around us to act as well."


Do a meritorious deed and dedicate it to those who suffered from the recent tragedy.