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Sep 23, 2012
"The only way love can last a lifetime is if it's unconditional. The truth is this: love is not determined by the one being loved but rather by the one choosing to love." --Stephen Kendrick
The Present of Being Present
"In the summer of 2005, things weren't looking very good for me. A broken relationship, a deadlock at work, a growing dependence on alcohol and tobacco all made for a downward spiral that I experienced every moment but couldn't snap out of. I was almost at breaking point when my mother decided to pay me a visit... On the first evening of her visit she tried to get me talking about where I was at in life, what was working and what wasn't. I resisted, was evasive in my responses and tried every trick in the book to keep the facade up. I thought I had succeeded ..." In this moving real-life story, a young father looks back on a touching and pivotal experience centered around his mother's unconditional love and a set of six cane chairs.