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May 31, 2012

"All of the troubles of life come upon us because we refuse to sit quietly for a while each day in our rooms." --Blaise Pascal

Meditating with Dinosaurs ... Really?

"When I first encountered Pascal's words, I felt like they were telling me, in a poetic way, to sit down and shut up, and that just felt, well... sort of rude. It also felt a bit insulting, in suggesting that for myself or for others, we bring a chunk of our suffering onto ourselves because we're too cowardly to sit quietly and face our thoughts and our feelings. Over time, however, the quote grew on me. I began to see its truth based on my own experience and from many years of listening to clients describe the pain that comes from not feeling connected to themselves. Finding time to sit quietly in a room is no easy task for any of us. I know for myself, even before having kids, it was hard to find time for such non-activity." This thoughtful article describes the insights one woman discovered about stillness amidst a circle of her children's toy dinosaurs.


Take a moment to be still and quiet amidst "the dinosaurs" in your own day.