Boss Lady's Kindness Escapades
"The owner began mumbling in Korean under her breath. I couldn't get her to look up to me, so I asked the woman at my feet what was going on. She took an extra beat, maybe deciding whether she was going to really tell me, or not. And she said to me, 'That's Boss Lady, and it's Christmas Eve, and everyone going home early until you come in - Manicure Pedicure 45 minutes - so now everyone has to wait for you.' Taken aback, I felt instantly stung. She could have said no, but then I guessed she couldn't. And there she was still mumbling away, and so I turned to her, and with my sweetest voice and a big smile on my face, I said, 'Boss Lady, stand up.'" What follows is a beautiful and spontaneous real-world kindness story -- and the unexpected ripples it created years later.